--20-- VANZARE econo-heater 400w alb

econo-heater 400w alb

PRET:   399.00 Lei

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Putere: 400w
 Dimensiuni panou: 600mm x 600mm x 10mm.
 Se livreaza cu un kit complet de instalare.
  Kit-ul de instalare furnizat impreuna cu panoul, adauga o distanta de 18 mm intre panou si perete, permitand aerului cald sa circule.
  Distanta totala dintre perete si suprafata frontala a panoului este de doar 28 mm.
  Un cordon de 1, 5 m este atasat in spatele panoului, in partea de jos, coltul din dreapta.
  Panoul are atasat de asemenea un intrerupator pornit/oprit.
  Se poate vopsi cu vopsea lavabila sau alte vopseluri care nu contin ulei. Este recomandat sa nu fie folosit 24 de ore dupa vopsire.
  Panoul nu este prevazut cu termostat, insa cei care doresc sa foloseasca termostat, pot utiliza unul standard.
 Fabricat in Cape Town - South Africa
  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Utilizatorii panoului termic ECONO-HEAT® considera acest produs ca fiind cel mai economic incalzitor electric de pe piata internationala. Consumul fiind foarte mic – 400 Watt/h .\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
  Utilizand tehnologia convectiei, panoul termic ECONO-HEAT™ genereaza in mod eficient caldura care circula in intreaga camera.
 Folosind tehnologia convectiei, caldura este generata în spatele panoului, în spatiul dintre panou si perete, ceea ce duce la formarea unui curent ascendent de caldura, orientat circular pe suprafata încaperii. Datorita acestui fenomen de convectie 90% din caldura vine din spatele panoului termic iar 10% este radiata de suprafata frontala a acestuia.
 Caldura obtinuta prin convectie este mult mai eficienta decât caldura radiata de un incalzitor static (calorifer, radiator, resou).
 Montaj: numai pe perete.
 Poate fi vopsit preferential s.a.
  The panel heater has no exposed elements and a surface temperature of approximately 70°C to 90°C. It is not made of metal and because it is mounted to a wall it won\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t tip over. This product is a heater and does become hot to touch. As long as a child is over 2 years old or a person has a \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'reflex reaction\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' and the ability to remove themselves from the panel quickly we do not expect them to be burnt, babies and children should never be left unsupervised while the panel heater is on.
  By taking the chill off the air in bedrooms and hallways, a healthier environment can be created in your home. Your entire home should feel warmer, rather than just overheated lounges and colder bedroom areas.
  ECONO-HEATERS® are not designed to deliver a blast of instant heat, but rather stay on for longer periods of time to take the chill out of the air.
  For example getting out of bed or opening the office on those cold mornings; or returning home after a hard day\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s work. In this way, ECONO-HEATERS™ are very effective. The use of the ECONO-HEAT® Time Switch Socket Outlet allows you to enjoy warmth whenever it suits you, Click here to see picture. Of course, any plug in time switch can be used with an ECONO-HEATER™
  The total cost of a heating system includes the heater plus the cost of installation.
  Installation costs are virtually non-existant, since most people can install these heaters in less than twenty minutes using the supplied installation kit. There are also no electrical hookups required, since they plug directly into a standard power outlet.
 Effectiveness of any heater is determined by how well that heater distributes heat around a room in relation to the amount of electricity it uses. We believe ECONO-HEATERS™ are very effective in doing just that. They are an economic convector heater that naturally draws in cold air from the floor of the room and then circulates this warm air around the whole room.
 We believe the ECONO-HEAT® wall panel heaters are one of the most economical electric panel heaters on the market today. The heater is such a low wattage (only 260 and 400 watts) to operate. The 260 watt uses 6-7* cents electricity per hour and the 400 watt uses less than 10* cents of electricity per hour, that is the equivalent power consumed by 3-5 incandescent light bulbs.
  *Based on an electricity price of 25 cents per unit (kWh), including GST
 ECONO-HEATERS™ are slim, sleek, stylish and aesthetically pleasing. When they\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'re painted the same colour as the walls, you hardly know they\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'re there!
  What other heater on the market can be used in so many different environments and be matched or contrasted with any wall colour.

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